Mrs. Stephanie Bledsoe » Grading


Standards-Based Report Cards grades do not reflect WHO your child is as a learner, but WHERE he or she is in their learning of the content.  "WHERE" is always temporary and can change.  Progress Criteria measure improvement that students have made over a particular period of time. The intent is to provide a more accurate picture of what students accomplish in school.

MS = Meeting Standard – Student is able to meet the standard and performs at a high level of competency

PC = Performing Consistently – Student is able to meet the standard most of the time and shows an average level of competency.  Some errors may be made periodically with concepts.

MP = Making Progress – Student is working toward meeting the standard.  May show some level of competency and/or struggles with some concepts.  Assistance may be needed to improve skills.

NI = Needs Improvement – Student has not yet met the standard.  Limited competency is evident.  Intervention or additional instruction is needed, or is being given, to address the lack of understanding.