Mrs. Jeneane Kehew » First Grade Overview

First Grade Overview

Language Arts- Students will be instructed whole group for the weekly skills, grammar and Reading comprehension.  Students will break into smaller groups for instruction on FUNdations, our phonics program. This program combines teaching letter formation, letter sounds and combining those sounds as well as recognizing and using common Trick Words. Students will also be instructed in Guided Reading on their independent level in small groups.  I will inform you of your child's Guided Reading progress with their report card during the year. The leveled book that they bring home each week will also be on their current instructional level.


Math-  Students will focus on first grade common core math standards. We will learn about money, addition, subtraction, fractions, time, and algebra. Please practice basic math facts, and counting and recognizing numbers to 120 frequently. 


Social Living- Mr. Saxion will teach the students social studies and science each day.  Some of the topics will be weather, magnets, living/nonliving things, plants & animals.