Mrs. Jennifer Barton » Online Learning Resources

Online Learning Resources

In class, students log on these sites, where they can work at their own pace on their own levels.  Students are encouraged to log on to any of these websites and continue mastering their skills at home:


ROCKET MATH:  Works on mastery of basic math facts
  • Enter username:  Most students' usernames are their last name with their first initial.  For example: BartonJ.  The first letter of the last name is capitalized and their first initial is also capitalized
  • Enter the passcode: abc123 (No capitalization)
  • Enter the Account Number:  4218


FRECKLE:  Students work on skills at their own level

4th Grade Class Code:  d5zae2

5th Grade Class Code:  8adc77



BOOM LEARNING:  Interactive learning cards to complete

Click "Sign in with Boom"

Type your Username: for most, your username is your first name and last name, all lowercase with no spaces.  Example: johnsmith

Type your Password: Viking123 (same for all)


PRODIGY:  Kids practice math skills in a game setting
*Students have individualized usernames and passwords