Mrs. Amy Kraus » Welcome to Mrs. Kraus' English and Language Arts Page

Welcome to Mrs. Kraus' English and Language Arts Page

Let the Adventures in Reading Begin!


Hello!  My name is Amy Kraus, and I am a second grade ELA teacher at Apollo-Ridge Elementary School.  This will be a year of magical wonder and amazing growth for our superstar students.  I am thrilled to be a part of your child’s educational experience. 

Communication is key to our partnership.  I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  Don't forget to subscribe to my web page by clicking on the "subscribe" button below my picture.  This will update you any time I add new information to the site.


To Many Happy Days,

Mrs. Kraus





    *High School Graduate of Kiski Area School District

    *Bachelor’s Degree: Indiana University of Pennsylvania

    *Master’s Degree: Gannon University



    *Elementary Education with a Reading Specialization

    *Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction



Wax Museum Presentations Session #2

I hope you enjoy our final day of wax museum presentations.

Wax Museum Presentations

This project is a collection of visual displays where students dress as, and illustrate the life of the person represented. We hope you enjoy our Living Wax Museum! *Due to Covid-19, this activity became an optional extended learning experience for my students.

Chapter 9: Master of the Animals and Chapter 10: This Age

Will Jack and Annie make it back to the tree house before they freeze? Or will they be a sabertooth's dinner? Listen to find out what will become of our friends, Jack and Annie.

Reading of Chapter 7: The Sorcerer's Gift & Chapter 8: The Great Parade

What will happen to our daring duo as they struggle to locate the next "m" artifact? Will they find what they need to help Morgan or will they remain trapped in the Ice Age?

Chapter 6: Song on the Wind

Desperate to locate their mouse, Peanut, the kids decide to venture out into a terrible snowstorm.

Chapter 5: Snow Tracks

Jack and Annie's adventure takes them further into a Cro-Magnon's cave dwelling.

Author's Purpose

Join me for a video lesson on understanding author's purpose. You may be wondering why it is important for us to think about the author’s purpose or reason for writing. If you understand why an author wrote a piece, it will help you to better comprehend what you’re reading. The more you understand the text, the more you’ll get out of the reading experience.

Chapter 4: Cave Kids

Jack and Annie decide to explore a mysterious cave they stumbled upon. Listen to find out what happens next in the story Sunset of the Sabertooth.

Chapter 3: Brr!

Jack and Annie have stumbled upon the cave of a great cave bear. Listen to find out what will happen as they venture further into the Ice Age.

The 5 W's Answered

This is a brief instructional video explaining the 5 W's (who, what, when, where, and why). Please watch this video prior to completing the 5 W's graded worksheet found in the April 15th Distance Learning Packet.

Making Predictions Activity Sheet

Here is a review video to help everyone work through the graded worksheet “Making Predictions” that was sent out in the April 15th packet. This activity corresponds with the story The Woodpecker for my AM group and Smelly Clyde for my PM group. Something that engaged readers do while they’re reading is make predictions. Remember, a prediction is just a good guess about what might happen next in a story. While I'm reading, I use the information from the text, any illustrations, and what I already know to help me make predictions. As I read, I keep track of my predictions and change or add to them as I read more of the story.

Zoom Meeting and Reading

Students, here is a clip of today's Zoom meeting, which includes a reading of chapter 2: Bones from The Magic Tree House Sunset of the Sabertooth.

When a Dragon Moves In read by Mark Duplas

If you build a perfect sandcastle, a dragon will move in. And that’s exactly what happens to one very lucky boy at the beach.

Harry the Dirty Dog

Harry the Dirty Dog is written by Gene Zion, illustrated by Margaret Bloy Graham and read by Betty White.