Mrs. Beth Weinel » 2022-2023 School Year

2022-2023 School Year

Communication is the key to a successful parent/teacher/student relationship!
One thing I can take away from the COVID school experience of no school, virtual, quarantine students and such, was the increased amount of communication I had with parents! I realized that whether we were face-to-face with students or virtual, there were increased open lines of communication. 
Please make sure I have your updated phone number and e-mail address. I may need to contact you throughout the school year. I am also using Class Dojo. I will use this to make small, simple announcements. 
E-mail is the quickest and most convenient way to communicate with me. I do try and check my Dojo app a few times a day as well. 
General Information
Please refer to this page for the 2022-2023 School Year.
General Information
At the beginning of the year, I send home a news letter that includes helpful information, rules, and expectations for my class. It is given out during Open House or the first day of school if your child was unable to attend. Please take time to read the information with your child. This news letter will give you a better understanding of what to expect this year! Below is a link of the 4th and 5th grade news letter. 
Students are responsible for making up their work if they miss a day. If your child is out with a cold or flu and may be out for a few days, please contact me and make arrangements to pick up their work if you can. I understand they are sick, but usually they have a time when they start to feel better and can catch up on some work. This helps alleviate a stressful amount of work when they come back. 
QUARANTINE and Extended Absence (sickness or educational trip) Information
If your child has to quarantine, miss school due to an educational field trip, or miss several days due to an illness, they must complete all work missed. If they are at school and are sent home, I will do my best to give them all the work they will need to complete while they are out. There might be an instance where someone will have to pick additional work up from the school. The students will still be responsible to do the online spelling tests on Friday and any other assignments posted in Teams. They should check their Teams daily for any information posted by myself or their other teachers. The students should also go into Vocabulary AZ to practice spelling, RAZ (Reading A-Z) to practice leveling up in their guided reading, and Freckle to practice their reading skills. They can also go onto Epic! during the day and read for enjoyment. 
Although we did not have to go to school virtually last year and we do not anticipate it this year, the following information may be helpful in a school wide virtual event. If the whole school were to go virtual, you will be notified. Computers will be sent home with the students. There may be additional papers sent home to help aid with online teaching. I cannot stress the importance of your child attending the live instructions. It will benefit their education immensely. It will also alleviate a lot of stress on you as the caregiver having to figure out what needs done. I am there to give them all of their information. I do understand that not all families will be able to do this. If your child cannot attend the live lessons, they will be given instructions on the General tab of Teams on a daily basis. I will post a new announcement each day. The announcement will be a bright colored ribbon with the date running across it. Below the ribbon will be a detailed list of instructions. 
An example of a Virtual day for Reading would be a 45-50 minute lesson (including our special read aloud book) and then a break. I would then meet with certain small groups each day. We meet for a half hour. If your child does not meet with me for small group that day, they will have two small group reading activities to do such as RAZ, Freckle, Epic, or other assignments that go with our weekly lessons. If they do meet with me, they will only have one other assignment to do that day. I will run my virtual schedule exactly like my school schedule, so the students should be very familiar with it. The only thing that would change is the times. I will provide you with a schedule as well as have one posted on TEAMS.