Maia Ferra » Ms. Ferra's Webpage

Ms. Ferra's Webpage

Welcome to 3rd Grade!
Hello! My name is 
Graduation with Bear
Maia Ferra, and I will be your child's ELA teacher. I am very excited to start my first year as a teacher with your children and am excited for the impact that I will leave on them throughout their academic journey. 
I graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a bachelor's degree in early childhood education pk-4 and a bachelor's degree in special education pk-12. I have a puppy at home and his name is Bear. He just turned 1 on May 20th, 2024, and he is the GREATEST thing I have ever owned. My birthday is November 17th, 2001, so I will be turning 23 this upcoming year! I am so excited for my first year of teaching and very excited your students get to be a part of my journey as an educator. 
There will be 3 ways that I will be holding communication with parents. 1.Please feel free to contact me through my email [email protected]. I will try my very hardest to get back to all emails right away, if not within 24 hours. If I have not responded to your email yet and it is an emergency, please contact the main office. 2. We also will be using Class Dojo as a form of communication as well. If you are not familiar with Clas Dojo it is a parent communication app where parents are able to contact their child's teacher rather than sending an email! 3. Students will have access to Microsoft teams. This is where a lot of online work will be posted, reminders, announcements, etc. There is also an option on Teams where you can message me at any time with questions or concerns. I will be providing instructions on how to get into Class Dojo and how to message me on Teams during our open house and the first day of school.
Maia Ferra
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