Mrs Taylor Jo Klazon » Annual School Health Screenings

Annual School Health Screenings

             State mandated screenings are performed on all Pre-k through 12th grade students to ensure the health of the growing body.  Most screenings are done annually, however, some screenings are performed at certain stages of development. Screenings include:
          • Heights and Weights are provided in all grades PK-12th 
            • Performed annually every year on picture day
          • Vision Screenings are provided in all grades PK-12th
            • Performed annually every year (1st grade will also be screened for color vision and depth perception)
          • Hearing Screenings are provided in grades K,1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th, and 11th
            • Performed only on the above listed grade levels due to developmental markers
          • Scoliosis Screenings are provided in 7th grade (performed with the 6th grade physical)
            • Performed only on the above listed grade levels due to developmental markers
 *Screenings are performed by school nurse on all students.  (A referral will be sent home if further evaluation is needed.)