Mrs Taylor Jo Klazon » Private Dentist Report

Private Dentist Report

               Pennsylvania School Health Law requires dental examinations for children upon entrance into school (Kindergarten) and 3rd and 7th grade.  These grades were selected because they represent critical periods of growth and development in a child’s life.


              We are recommending that your family dentist do these examinations as they can best evaluate your child’s health and assist you in obtaining necessary treatment and corrections.


               Please have your child’s examination performed by your family dentist and have the attached form(s) properly completed and returned to the school nurse prior to the following school year.


We appreciate your cooperation in helping us carry out this important phase of the health program in our schools.







Taylor Jo Klazon – Apollo-Ridge Elementary Registered Nurse                        

Phone: 724-478-6000, Ext 5113 Fax: 724-478-2967 email: [email protected]