Mrs Taylor Jo Klazon » Medication Use/Cough Drop Form

Medication Use/Cough Drop Form


Please find attached the Apollo-Ridge Medication Policy Form, the Medication Use Form, and Student Possession of Emergency Medication Form.


We kindly request that you review these documents thoroughly before bringing or sending any medication to school. Additionally, a written physician’s order is mandatory for the administration of all prescription and over the counter medications to your child during school hours.


Rescue inhalers and epi-pens are permitted to be carried by 4th & 5th graders, however, we do ask that you return the Student Possession of Emergency Medication Parent Permission Form so the nurses office is aware that your student carries their medication. Pre-K through 3rd grade, however, will require a physicians order on file and medication be stored in the nurses office.


The nurses office will not administer ANY over-the-counter cough or allergy medication. Cough drops are provided by the school nurse. PLEASE DO NOT SEND COUGH DROPS WITH YOUR STUDENT they are considered a medication and a choking hazard.


If your child takes a medication every day during school hours, that medication will need a physician's order (the nurses office will need a new one every year, also if there are any changes during the year a new order is required). The medication will also need to be delivered by a parent or guardian and signed in. All prescription medication must be in a correct pharmacy labeled container.




If you have any questions regarding your child's medication needs at school, please contact the school nurse.

Thank you,


Taylor Jo Klazon – Apollo-Ridge Elementary Registered Nurse                        

Phone:  724-478-6000, Ext 5113    Fax:  724-478-2967   email: [email protected]