Winter Weather
It is that time of year again! The weather can impact our school day. Please stay alert to phone calls about delays and cancelations. At this point, we will be in session on February 19, 2024. We still have 4 other snow days on our calendar. If we would use all of those days as well, we will do a flexible instruction day. Packets and information will be coming home shortly to explain what this day would look like, if we need to use them. Here is a link to the school's master calendar. https://4.files.edl.io/fde2/02/28/23/163750-3543c028-2a2b-440f-bdf9-7c6df4e6625c.pdf
End of Grading Period 2
Books to Go in LGI Rm
Snow Makeup Day 1
Cafeteria Positive Behavior Program
Our first positive behavior program winners were 5th grade! They won a popcorn party! They were the first to earn 100 kernels of popcorn for good cafeteria behavior. What is good cafeteria behavior? We are rewarding grade levels for being quiet as they go through the serving line, staying in their seats, and controlling the volume of their voices. Our next positive behavior reward will be a dance party. Prek is leading the way so far! Stay tuned to see who wins this round!
Prek Applications Coming Soon!
Enrollment packets for our prek program will be coming soon! I am waiting for the state to release their application packet for the 2024-2025 school year. We will be sending home information to all of our families. Please spread the word to neighbors! We are so happy that we are able to offer this program to our prek students in the community. Mrs. Gourley runs a fabulous program!
Visitor Policy
As a reminder, our building & campus security plan requires that visitors call & make an appointment with the individual(s) they would like to meet with prior to arrival. This will help ensure the person you would like to meet with is available & maintain a safe/secure building. We thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students and campus safe.
Are You a PTA Member?
Our PTA does amazing things for our school! The second part of the school year has many PTA events for parents/guardians to become involved! Field trips, yearbook, t-shirt committee, track and field day, and book fair, just to name a few of the events. If you are not a member, please consider joining. PTA membership packets can be picked up at any time in the elementary office. Have your child pop in and ask for a packet! It is a great way to get involved and meet other parents/guardians in the community!