We have already used one of our snow days, leaving us with only one more before we would need to use a flexible instruction day (FID). You probably have seen many schools in the surrounding areas use remote instruction days if you are following closing and delays! With the passage of Act 64 of 2019, section 1506 was added to the Pennsylvania Public School Code (“School Code”), 24 P.S. §15-1506, enabling public school entities the opportunity to develop a Flexible Instructional Day (FID) program to meet the 180 instructional day requirement of section 1501 of the Pennsylvania Public School Code, 24 P.S. § 15-1501. The FID program may be online, offline, or a combination of the two. ARSD submitted an FID plan and it has been approved for implementation during the school year. I am sure you have many questions as to how a flexible instruction day will work! Hopefully, this information will help to ease any concerns.
Teachers have shown the students how to log into their FID tab on their Teams page. We are not sending home computers, but you can download the Microsoft Teams app on devices at home such as laptop, IPad, phones, etc. using your child's log in information. It would be best to do this ASAP instead of waiting for flexible instruction day to be called. It will make for a smoother morning transition.
On the 3rd cancellation we will announce that we need to do an FID. We will use our call system and our posting on WPXI, KDKA, WTAE , and ARIN SchoolCast. Again, we will only use an FID when we have exhausted all of the scheduled make-up days.
Elementary FID (Prek-5th Grade)
These packets will also be uploaded on the FID channel for each teacher's team as well as loaded on our elementary website. The packets of instruction are created with the understanding that material included is material that we have taught earlier in the year and are skills that we continue to teach through spiral review throughout the course of the normal school year, thus maintaining relevancy to the curriculum. Students will have the option to work synchronously (with a teacher on Teams/Zoom Meeting) or asynchronously (on their own time) during the day. The instructional schedule will be posted on the FID channel with the required links for meetings. A copy of the schedule is also on the back of this letter. We will operate our FID on a two-hour delay day schedule.
DUE TO PREK SCREEN LIMITATIONS-THEY WILL ONLY HAVE 30 MINUTES OF LIVE INSTRUCTION SCREEN TIME. The rest of their day will be working with their parents to complete the activity packets that have been sent home. All instructions are posted on the Prek Teams Channel for FID. Follow the link on Mrs. Gourley’s Team for live instruction.
Elementary Schedule
8:30-10:00 Teacher Prep
10:00-11:00 Office Hours-teachers are available to answer Team Chats.
**10:20-10:55-Science/Social Studies Instruction for 1 and 5 grade students ONLY. Links are located on your child’s Sci/SS teacher’s Teams.
11:00-12:15 Reading Instruction or Math Instruction (Follow normal schedule-if your child normally has Reading in morning, attend Reading instruction now. If your child normally has Math in morning, attend Math instruction now.) Links are located on your child’s Reading and Math teachers’ Teams.
12:15-12:45 Lunch on your own
12:45-1:20 Science/Social Studies Instruction for 2, 3, 4 grade students ONLY. Links are located on your child’s Science/Social Studies Teacher’s Teams.
1:25-1:35- Screen Break
1:35-2:50 Reading Instruction or Math Instruction (Follow normal schedule-if your child normally has Reading in afternoon, attend Reading instruction now. If your child normally has Math in afternoon, attend Math instruction now.) Links are located on your child’s Reading and Math Teachers’ Teams.
2:50-3:00 Screen Break
3:00-3:30 Specialty Class assigned to each grade level (Gym-k, Music-1, Computer 2/3, Art 4/5). Links for live instruction are located on your child’s Specialty Teacher’s Teams.
Our paraprofessionals, who work with our teaching staff and students on a regular school day, will also be able to provide 1:1 and small group support in break-out sessions. Students will have the opportunity to complete the packet asynchronously if so desired. If students wish to join part of the day for the live instruction and complete the rest asynchronously, they have that option.
Attendance and Credit for FID
Attendance and credit for the flexible day will be based upon live attendance/participation and/or returned/completed packet the next face-to-face school instruction day. If a student does not attend live classes or return work the next day, they will be marked as an unexcused absence.