Parent/Guardian Resources » Student Handbook and Resources

Student Handbook and Resources

It is very important that all parents/guardians make themselves familiar with the information in our student handbooks.
Attendance is a very detailed topic.  It is highly advised that parents/guardians familiarize themselves with the details listed in the parent handbook.  Below are answers to some frequently asked questions


  • 9:00 is the tardy bell.  After 9:00, students must be escorted and signed in at the office.
  • You need to send a note with your child if you are picking them up early. 
  • All early releases are unexcused, unless we receive a doctor/legal excuse within three days of student's return to school.
  • Students will not be dismissed between 3:10-3:45. You must be off school property by 3:15 due to dismissal preparations. 
  • Anyone picking up students must have current photo ID 
For additional parent resources, please click the following link. 
Below are a few frequently used forms from the handbook to keep open lines of communication between home and school.