About Us » Mission Statement and Viking Vows

Mission Statement and Viking Vows

Apollo-Ridge School District

Mission Statement

The mission of the Apollo-Ridge School District is to inspire growth and prepare students for their futures.


Apollo-Ridge Middle School

Apollo-Ridge School District

Vision Statement

The vision of the Apollo-Ridge school district is to provide all individuals the opportunity to achieve their unique level of excellence.


Apollo-Ridge Middle School 


Apollo-Ridge Elementary School

Viking Vows

  • Respect- A Viking will treat ALL students and staff the same way they would want to be treated.
  • Responsibility- A Viking is always responsible for THEIR actions and behavior.
  • Reliability- If a Viking says that they will do something, they will ALWAYS do it.
Apollo-Ridge Middle School
Throughout the school year we look to celebrate those students who show commitment to our Viking Vows by awarding them with Valiant Viking Certificates.  We are A-R!